The Committee for Jonathan Pollard Responds to Kerry's purported offer to free Pollard in return for the release of terrorists

Justice4JPnews - December 28, 2013

The Committee for the Release of Jonathan Pollard is not aware of the accuracy or reliability of reports that US Secretary of State John Kerry has offered Jonathan Pollard's freedom to Prime Minister Netanyahu in return for the release of Palestinian terrorists (without authorization by Obama); but we are deeply concerned that this is yet another one of many attempts of this kind to cynically exploit the plight of Jonathan Pollard as a sweetener to encourage the Israeli public to swallow a bitter political pill without protest. Past experience has proven that once the bitter pill is swallowed, Pollard's situation remains unchanged.

After 29 years in prison, there are a wealth of reasons both judicial and humanitarian, that compel Pollard's immediate release without condition and without linkage to any other process. This is the position of senior American officials with first hand knowledge of the case, numerous legislators, public officials and American organizations. This is our position as well.

  • See Also: Report: Kerry to mull freeing Pollard as condition for Palestinian prisoners release: The Jerusalem Post