Barak Again Raises Pollard Release As Part Of Accord

Middle East News Line - July 22, 2000

DISCLAIMER:This news report should not be construed as an endorsement by Justice4JP of the developments that are reported. See:Justice4JP's Position on Pollard & Camp David.

WASHINGTON - Prime Minister Ehud Barak has urged President Bill Clinton to release convicted spy Jonathan Pollard as part of any Israeli-Palestinian peace accord, Israeli and Arab sources said.

The sources said Barak has also asked Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak to release Azzam Azzam, an Israeli sentenced to 15 years in prison for espionage.

Barak, the sources said, wants to announce the release of the two men to help win domestic support for any Israeli-Palestinian agreement. The prime minister has pledged to submit the agreement to a referendum.

"Sources said that the Israelis consider their efforts would help Barak against Israeli opposition if he made some concessions to the Palestinians," the London-based Al Hayat daily said.

Later, Israeli sources in Washington confirmed that Barak was seeking the release of Pollard and Azzam. Pollard was sentenced to life in prison in 1986 for relaying military secrets to Israel. During the Israeli - Palestinian summit at Wye River in October 1998, Clinton pledged to pardon Pollard as part of any deal. Later, Clinton reversed himself and said he would review the Pollard case. No decision has since been reached.

See Also:
  • Justice4JP's Position on Pollard & Camp David
  • Is Pollard a Camp David Bargaining Chip?