Senator DeConcini Says To Free Pollard

July 2, 1996

President William J. Clinton
The White House
Washington, D.C. 20050

Dear Mr. President,

I served in the Senate and the Intelligence Committee when Jonathan Pollard was arrested and convicted of espionage towards the United States. He received a severe penalty and in my judgment rightfully so. Since that time, he has served as a good prisoner and adequately paid for his wrong doing.

During my term of office, I carefully reviewed Mr. Pollard's case at the request of constituents and concluded at the time that it was not appropriate for a parole for Mr. Pollard.

I am convinced that Mr. Pollard has expressed the appropriate remorse and served adequate time and should be considered for parole or pardon.

If you would like additional information, please feel free to contact me.

Thank you for your consideration.


Dennis DeConcini
United States Senator (Ret.)

See Also:
  • Original PDF copies of letters
  • 2009 Letter to President Bush (PDF)
  • Spy for Russ Jinxed Pollard, Insists an Intelligence Guru