Jonathan Pollard: 1995 Items

  • Political Pawn 1
  • Pollard and The Collaborators In the Can
  • The Pollard cannon: The Exponent

  • Jan. 10: Light of Day: The Jerusalem Post
  • Jan. 16: NA'MAT Women Calls for Release of Jonathan Pollard
  • Jan. 19: A Declaration of Conscience: Rabbi Sholom Stern
  • Jan. 20: Pollard Makes Schindler's List: The Jewish Week

  • Feb. 9: A Lincoln Look at Pollard: Bruce Brill
  • Feb. 10: Out From Under The Rug: Jerusalem Post
  • Feb. 22: American Vetrans of Israel Resolution on Pollard

  • Mar. 8: Spy Pollard a 'Star' of Israeli Stage: Chicago Sun Times
  • Mar. 10: Opponents Of A Part: The Atlanta Jewish Times
  • Mar. 22: Pollard & The Secret War Against The Jews: Bernard J. Shapiro
  • Mar. 23: A Staged Betrayal: The Jerusalem Post
  • Mar. 28: Media Release: NJCRAC Calls for Parole for Pollard: NJCRAC News
  • Mar. 30: Israeli Play Revisits the Pollard Affair: Uriel Masad
  • Mar. 30: Letter: B'nai B'rith Women to Parole Commissioner
  • Mar. 31: This Patriot Must Come Home: Jerusalem Post

  • Apr. 6: NJCRAC, Jewish Agencies Call for Pollard's Parole: Larry Yudelson
  • Apr. 7: Time To Speak Out For Pollard: Nosson Scherman
  • Apr. 13: Letter: Conference of Presidents Urges Clinton to Support Parole for Pollard
  • Apr. 14: Spy-Swap Proposal With Russia, U.S. Would Free Pollard: The Jerusalem Post
  • Apr. 14: Media Release: Conference of Presidents Supports Parole for Pollard
  • Apr. 16: Clinton interview: The Jerusalem Post
  • Apr. 18: IAJLJ Calls for Commutation of Pollard's Sentence
  • Apr. 18: Israel And U.S. Jews Step Up Effort On Behalf of Pollard: Larry Yudelson
  • Apr. 21: Organized Support For Pollard: The Jewish Week [New York]
  • Apr. 23: Will Disclosures Help Unlock Jonathan Pollard's Cell? John Loftus
  • Apr. 24: Rabin to Seek Pardon for Pollard: The Jerusalem Post

  • May 12: Rabin Meets With Clinton and Raises the Pollard Issue: Press Release
  • May 12: Letter: Rep. Jon D. Fox Supports Release of Pollard
  • May 15: Twisted Appeal to President Clinton by an American History Professor
  • May 19: The Rabbinical Assembly Resolution on Jonathan Pollard
  • May 25: ZOA Resolution on Jonathan Pollard
  • May 26: A Sampler From the Forward's First Five Years: The Forward [NY]

  • June 1: The Washington Jewish Week on the Schwartz Case: Shawn Cohen
  • June 2: The Case For The Spy Who Should Be Free: The New York Daily News
  • June 2: A Fateful Trip For Pollard: The Jewish Week [NY]
  • June 6: A Second Look at the Pollard Case: Milton Viorst
  • June 6: CCAR Calls For Pollard's Release
  • June 8: Mr. President: Don't Make Pollard a Bad Example: Peter Gimpel
  • June 14: Why Pollard?Amos Carmel
  • June 16: Pollard's Father: Peres Told Me 'We Betrayed Your Son': The Jewish Press [NY]
  • June 23: Israel Criticizes U.S. For Opposing Pollard's Release: The Jewish Press
  • June 24: Knesset to US: Free Pollard: Jerusalem Post
  • June 30: Holocaust Author & Historian Calls for the Release of Pollard: David S. Wyman

  • Summer: "Good buddy" CIA: Bruce Brill
  • July 7: On Lies, Secrets and Sentences: Los Angeles Jewish Journal
  • July 7: Ease His Pain: Samuel Heilman
  • July 14: Let Pollard Go - Editorial
  • July 14: Don't be Seduced by Access to Power: NY Jewish Week OpEd
  • July 23: Letter to President Clinton: Rabbi Mordechai Eliahu
  • July 23: Yossi Sarid, Cabinet Minister, Calls For Pollard Release
  • July 24: A.B. Yehoshua Writes About Jonathan Pollard
  • July 24: Amram Mitzna, Mayor of Haifa, Calls For Pollard Release
  • July 25: Letter to President Clinton: Chief Rabbi of Haifa
  • July 26: Motti Lerner, Renowned Israeli Playwright, Calls for Pollard Release
  • July 26: LIBA'I: Jonathan Pollard's Citizenship Request Was The First Thing I Gave Barak: The Jerusalem Post
  • July 27: A Shameful Silence: Uri Dan & Dennis Eisenberg
  • July 30: Jonathan Pollard Has Paid For His Crime: South Bend Tribune

  • Aug. 1: Jonathan Pollard's Citizenship: Media Update
  • Aug. 9: With Friends Like These...Ben Caspit
  • Aug. 17: Pollard Changes Plan of Attack: Washington Jewish Week
  • Aug. 21: Statement of Alan Dershowitz
  • Aug. 21: Maximum Number of M.K.'s Sign in Support of Pollard Citizenship: J4JP Release
  • Aug. 22: Jonathan Pollard's Letter To His Attorneys
  • Aug. 23: Why Jonathan Pollard Is Seeking Israeli Citizenship: J4JP Release

  • Sept. 7: Letter: Congressman Chaka Fattah Supports Release of Jonathan Pollard
  • Sept. 9: The Virginian Pilot on the Schwartz Case
  • Sept. 13: The Washington Post on the Schwartz Case
  • Sept. 14: The Washington Jewish Week on the Schwartz Case - continued: Shawn Cohen
  • Sept. 14: Pollard Denied Israeli Citizenship: Washington Jewish News
  • Sept. 15: A Place for Pollard: Shmuel Shnitzer
  • Sept. 22: Israel Must Revamp: Uri Dan & Dennis Eisenberg
  • Sept. 25: MAARIV Exclusive: Jonathan Pollard Speaks: Ben Caspit
  • Sept. 25: Addendum to Jonathan Pollard Speaks: Ben Caspit
  • Sept. 29: Clinton Ducks Rabin Request for Pollard

  • Oct: Letter from Rabbi Richard Thaler
  • Oct. 1: Catch 22 for Pollard: Ben Caspit
  • Oct. 1: No Parole for Citizen Pollard: Charley Levine
  • Oct. 2: Letter to President Clinton: Larry Dub
  • Oct. 3: Re: Linkage: Charley Levine
  • Oct. 3: The Pollard Proposal: Jerusalem Post
  • Oct. 5: Rabin solidifies U.S. ties: David Twersky
  • Oct. 6: The War of Independence - Pollard's Battle for Freedom: Ben Caspit
  • Oct. 8: Clinton Rejects Chief Rabbis' Offer: Davaar
  • Oct. 13Jonathan Pollard's Health Continues to Deteriorate: Ma'ariv
  • Oct. 13: A Worrisome Update On Jonathan Pollard's Health: Ben Caspit
  • Oct. 14: The Washington Post on the Schwartz Case: continued
  • Oct. 16: Compass Newswire on the Schwartz Case
  • Oct. 19: Justice for Jonathan Pollard Responds to Jerusalem Report Cover Story
  • Oct. 20: Joining Forces For Pollard: Eric Greenberg
  • Oct. 22: Report: P.M. Funding for Pollard: Jerusalem Post
  • Oct. 23: Pollard Asks Court For Citizenship: New York Jewish Week
  • Oct. 23: Time To Free Pollard - Editorial
  • Oct. 24: Citizen Pollard: Ze'ev Segal
  • Oct. 25: High Court Orders Government To Explain: Press Release
  • Oct. 25: Release Pollard: He's Served Enough: Rabbi Haskel Lookstein
  • Oct. 30: Letter: Prime Minister's Bureau in Support of Jonathan Pollard

  • Nov: Response To The Jerusalem Report
  • Nov: Freedom for Citizen Pollard: Charley Levine
  • Nov. 4: Court to Barak: Why Was Pollard Denied Citizenship?
  • Nov. 5: Letter to President Clinton: Malcolm Hoenlein
  • Nov. 6: Rabin's Murder Kills Talks With Clinton To Free Pollard: Mosheh Reisfeld
  • Nov. 16: America's Double Standard of Justice: Shawn Cohen
  • Nov. 17: Charley Levine Responds to Carol Pollard
  • Nov. 21: Letter to President Clinton & P.M. Peres: Esther Pollard
  • Nov. 21: Ten Years In Prison: Press Release
  • Nov. 22: Barak Reverses His Stand: Batsheva Tsur, Evelyn Gordon & Marilyn Henry
  • Nov. 23: Jerusalem Post Editorial: Citizen Pollard
  • Nov. 23: New Revelations On The Pollard Case: Ben Caspit
  • Nov. 23: The Failure to Free Pollard: David Turner
  • Nov. 23: Jerusalem Television Channel 2 on the Schwartz Case
  • Nov. 24: Excerpt from A Peace Plan Made To Order: Akiva Eldar
  • Nov. 26: Reply To Washington Post Article: Larry Dub, Esq.
  • Nov. 27: South Bend Tribune Editorial
  • Nov. 28: Joint Appeal By AllRabbinical Groups
  • Nov. 29: No Parole Hearing To Be Scheduled: Larry Dub, Esq.
  • Nov. 29: Citizenship Can Only Help: Press Release
  • Nov. 30: Pollard Granted Israeli Citizenship: Canadian Jewish News

  • Winter: Honor Rabin's Plea for Pollard: David Kirshenbaum
  • Dec: Whose Crimes? Pollard's or Ames's? - Moment Magazine: Hershel Shanks
  • Dec: The Decision is Clinton's - Why Is He Ducking?: Hershel Shanks
  • Dec. 1: Rift Among Seekers of Justice: Ariela Friedmann
  • Dec. 3: Jonathan Pollard's Release Will Help Israel Heal: Alan Dershowitz
  • Dec. 6: Oral Question #518: A Knesset Outrage
  • Dec. 8: Petition for Commutation to Clinton: Larry Dub, Esq.
  • Dec. 11: Chicago Tribune Editorial
  • Dec. 12: A.D.L. Failure: Jacob Seidenberg
  • Dec. 13: J.W.V. Questions Navy on the Schwartz Case
  • Dec. 13: Pollard case unnecessarily strains Israeli, U.S. relations: Kenneth Lasson
  • Dec. 17: An Urgent Chanuka Appeal From Jonathan Pollard
  • Dec. 17: An Urgent Chanuka Appeal From Esther Pollard
  • Dec. 17: Peres Responds to President of Students' Union
  • Dec. 22: Why is Jonathan Pollard Still In Prison? - Ma'ariv OpEd
  • Dec. 25: A Call For Knesset to Investigate
  • Dec. 25: An Open Letter to Prime Minister Peres from Esther Pollard
  • Dec. 31: A Stint In Spying, Years In Prison: Chicago Tribune